Lawns & Sod
House Plants
Trees & Shrubs
Organic Certified
Home Use
Add life to your soil.
A*LIVE Elite is a blend of living, plant growth promoting microbes ideal for use at home.
Yes! A*LIVE Elite is a completely natural, chemical-free formula designed specifically to be both eco-friendly and safe for people and wildlife. You do not need to wear gloves, or protective gear of any kind while applying.
Studies have shown that frequent applications of A*LIVE Elite (applications once every 7 days) are most effective. Applying large quantities of A*LIVE Elite in a single application will provide results; however, frequently adding standard doses to the soil is best practice. For lawns, 2-4 applications per growing season will be sufficient.
A*LIVE Elite can be stored for 2 years unopened or 6 months once opened. If you open a bottle at the end of a growing season and want to preserve it over the winter, you can store the capped bottle in your refrigerator where it will be good for a full year.
Under normal circumstances, no refrigeration is necessary, and the bottle should be stored with the cap on at room temperature. Avoid freezing or exceeding 32C.
If your goal is reduce or eliminate use if synthetic fertilizers, we recommend reducing fertilizer use by 1/3 per grow cycle until you find the balance that is most effective.
We believe natural solutions are better for our environment and in most cases, A*LIVE Elite makes it possible to get great results while being environmentally responsible.
A*LIVE Elite vs. Chemical Fertilizer
Improve Soil Health