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Our Biology. Your Future.

Transform your gardening and home maintenance routine with our eco-friendly bioproducts.

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Green Grass

Lawns & Sod





House Plant

House Plants

Wild Roses


Cannabis Plant


Herbs growing in a pale



Trees & Shrubs

1qrt bottle of A*LIVE Elite

Organic Certified


Home Use

Add life to your soil.


A*LIVE Elite is a blend of living, plant growth promoting microbes ideal for use at home.

  • Yes! A*LIVE Elite is a completely natural, chemical-free formula designed specifically to be both eco-friendly and safe for people and wildlife. You do not need to wear gloves, or protective gear of any kind while applying.

  • Studies have shown that frequent applications of A*LIVE Elite (applications once every 7 days) are most effective. Applying large quantities of A*LIVE Elite in a single application will provide results; however, frequently adding standard doses to the soil is best practice. For lawns, 2-4 applications per growing season will be sufficient.

  • A*LIVE Elite can be stored for 2 years unopened or 6 months once opened. If you open a bottle at the end of a growing season and want to preserve it over the winter, you can store the capped bottle in your refrigerator where it will be good for a full year.

    Under normal circumstances, no refrigeration is necessary, and the bottle should be stored with the cap on at room temperature. Avoid freezing or exceeding 32C.

  • If your goal is reduce or eliminate use if synthetic fertilizers, we recommend reducing fertilizer use by 1/3 per grow cycle until you find the balance that is most effective.

    We believe natural solutions are better for our environment and in most cases, A*LIVE Elite makes it possible to get great results while being environmentally responsible.

A*LIVE Elite vs. Chemical Fertilizer

Improve Soil Health